Monday, August 2, 2010

Muffin Tin Monday and Kids Cook Monday

Hello All.
Late post today, but I got it done :)

This weeks kitchen helper is....

Garret LOVES making MTM's. His favorite thing to do is to cut things out with the little cookie cutters. Sometimes it makes it difficult to come up with things that he can cut out (remember the little bat shaped honeydew?) lol

I was brave today and let him use the big knife...

He is cutting the kielbasa before we cooked it.
He did pretty well, I was proud of him.

Then we made little tomato/mozzarella skewers

Here is the total tin

Clockwise from top left: Bat and pumpking bread, Tomato and mozzarella skewers,
Banana nut bread bunnies, heart shaped rice mold (LOVED THIS)
and Kielbasa skewers.

Overall it was a hit! This was our dinner tonight and it LOOKS YUMMY. So I'm gonna go eat now :D

To find out more about Muffin Tin meals check out the link below.

Muffin Tin Mom

Also check out The Kids Cook Monday

Happy Homeschooling :)


  1. This looks wonderful. I love all the shapes.

  2. My son is looking over my shoulder and wanted to know what all was going on here - I think he is impressed with your son's cooking abilities. :)

  3. Jenny, Tell your son Garret says thank you :).
    Jdaniel4's Mom, that is Garrets favorite thing to do. today we are coooking lunch and he wants to make more shapes LOL

  4. Faith, those tomato skewers look delsih, what am I talking about? the whole thing looks yummy. Tll Garrett, he did a great job!
