Thursday, July 30, 2009

Sometimes I wonder...

why do I allow myself to be hurt so easily? Why can't I just be happy with myself and be confident in who I am and not allow other people to tear me down? I am a beautiful woman with a wonderful husband wonderful children and a wonderful family! This is my life and I need to live it for me and the ones I love. Today is the first day of the rest of my life and I intend to start living it!

Wednesday, July 29, 2009

Lord of the Flies Preschool :(

Today was absolutely ridden with children who had no clue the proper way to behave and parents who had no clue how to take responsibility for their children!

Start at the gym: This little boy is running around acting like the lobby is a playground. I'm not too worried about it, cuz hey, we all have days like that, right? Well then my son starts it as well, then they both start walking and jumping across the chairs. I immediately take my son off the chairs, swat his behind and sit him down for a time out (he's 8 he should know better than that). Well, while he is in his time out, sitting rather nicely I must admit (cuz usually he doesn't) this kid comes over and hauls off and hits him in the back of the head. Now this little boy was probably 5 or so, and Nathaniel knows better than to fight with a younger child. I told the boy to please not hit my son and to leave him alone. The parent just sat their and didnt even acknowledge that the boy hit Nathaniel or anything!!!! Then, this same little boy started taunting Garret with a transformer toy. Offering to let him play with it and then at the last minute grabbing it away and stuffing it into his pocket and sticking his tongue out at Garret! I was appalled but still the mom did nothing. I told Garret just to leave the boy alone and stay away from him. Then as we were trying to leave, Garret and Aleah were in the changing area. As they tried to open the door this same little brat holds the door shut while Garret is screaming bloody murder trying to get out from the opposite side. Then all of a sudden as I'm trying to get to him, the kid shoves the door open and in the process pushes Garret over and he hits his head on the table. STILL NOT A WORD FROM THE MOTHER!!!!!! wth? Why can't mothers just admit their kid does wrong?????

Then, we go to McDonald's cuz Aleah earned 2 ribbons in Gymnastics and Dad wanted to reward her. We first get there and this grandmother is having to get an employee to extricate her baby granddaughter out of the high chair because she is so chunky she is stuck :( poor thing, she was soooo pretty, but had to weigh at least 50 lbs. I felt so bad for her. Then her brother (also about 3 times the size he should have been) is going all crazy and starts clawing and biting and trying to fight with Garret and Nathaniel while they were trying to go up into the play area. I told the boy not to try to pull them down the stairs while the grandmother just looked on. Then a bit later Garret comes down the slide screaming that the boy had bit him! Instead of simply saying, I'm sorry, and then disciplining the child, the grandmother blames it on the babysitter that he stays with! i finally made my kids just sit down until they left, because I was worried the boy would hurt them. I mean seriously, this kid was bigger than all three of mine combined. If he had really tried to hurt them, there was nothing they could have done. What gets me is that its not that this child had any difficulties that would account for such size or behaviour. when he was sitting down and talking to his grandmother he was a perfectly normal child, albeit a bit loud and disrespectful.

Well they finally left and the kids were able to play in peace. Then this group of girls comes in and I'm thinking, Ok this should be good, some girls for Aleah to play with. Well they are all different ages, probably about 3 to 14 or so. There were 5 or 6 of them together. Well they start screeching at the top of their lungs and the big girls are up in the "airplane" bubble and the little bouncy bubble making it shake so hard the entire structure is shaking. I'm sitting their thinking, ok, i'll give it a minute and their parents will stop them. But alas, no, still parents are ignoring them.

Then Nathaniel comes down saying the girls won't let them into any of the little play areas in the top of the thing. He said that they were hitting and yelling at anyone that came near the "cockpits" Thats when we finally just said forget it and left.

I have never seen a day full of so many kids and parents that have no clue how to behave. It's one thing if you are having and off day. My kids do all the time. My kids are no where near perfect, but I do my best to discipline them and keep them in line and keep them from hurting other children especially. It just gets me that these parents were RIGHT THERE. They heard the whole conversation, each time. They KNEW their kids had done wrong but were too whatever to do anything about it.

Monday, July 27, 2009

July 27, 2009

Ok, so I'm finally gonna start a new blog. I have used myspace in the past and still do to an extent, but I want a blog that is just out there :) I don't want to have to worry about logging into my myspace or whatever.

Anyway.... I've begun losing weight. I'm very proud of this. I'm about 10 lbs less than I started back in February, and most of that has been in the last month.

Erik and I bought the EA sports Active program for our Wii and are using that in conjunction with the Wii FIT. We have just about finished the 30 day challenge and I feel pretty good physically.

Current weight: 266

I can't believe I'm nearing the 250 mark again. I haven't been that weight since before I had my second son, Garret.

I'm going to try to get a couple of pictures taken this weekend and will post them when I do. I will also post a bit of background info soon for those who don't know me personally :)

That's all for now, thanks for reading.