Tuesday, August 17, 2010

Couponing - how I do it.

Many people ask me how I do my coupon shopping. I thought I would share.

This is what I do to make my shopping trips easier, considering the fact that many times I have to shop with 4 kids in tow.

Firrst, make sure all my coupons are printed out and cut out at least a DAY before I want to go shopping. Even if I don't get them all in my binder, I can find them quicker than having to go print them and cut them out just before I go shopping. Now, staying on top of this is not easy, certainly. But I have found a way to try to keep up with it. I print immediately when I see a good deal. I subscribe to several other blogs that go out and comb the internet for the best printable coupons and deals. Then, any time I'm sitting, either watching TV or waiting on the kids to finish up some school assignment, I cut them out. If I have time right then, I put them in the binder, if not, i have an envelope that I put them in until I can.

Second, I use http://www.southernsavers.com/  to print my shopping list. She puts all the coupon matchups right on the shopping list so I can find them easily. I do this the day before usually as well. I add my own items to the page and be sure to print them on fit-to-page setting. (one page makes it MUCH easier)

Third, I go through all my coupons while I have my list right in front of me. I pull out all the coupons that are relevant (even if I may not use them because pricing) and put a quantity on the list next to that item so that I know how many I have to buy to meet the specifications of the coupon as well as how many I CAN buy). This makes it MUCH easier in the store. I know exactly what brand, how much my coupon is, and how many to buy. I put them all in an envelope marked with the store name.

I want to say that I use an alphabetical system for my binder. I go alphabetical by brand name, except for things that I can easily switch brands depending on whats on sale, like cereals, oral care products, paper products, and pet supplies.

Fourth, and this is what makes the difference for me. I have a clipboard with a pouch on the back. I put the coupon envelope in the pouch and clip my list to the board. This allows me to put my binder under the cart and not worry about it falling and dumping as it has sooo many times. lol I have it with me, but I don't have to worry about it. Then when I get up to the register, simply pull out the envelope, remove any that I didn't use, and I'm good to go.

There you have it. I'm still learning, but this is how I do it right now.

Happy couponing!

1 comment:

  1. We sound alot alike. I love to coupon and I have a pretty striped pastel colored binder I drag (along with three kids) to the store with me every time. So I smile and wave to another couponer! Oh and I love Southernsavers. I adore DealSeekingMom too!
